Juan Andrés Fontaine Talavera

Juan Andrés Fontaine Talavera is the Chilean Minister for the Economy, Development, and Reconstruction under President Sebastián Piñera.[1][2][3][4]


Juan Andrés Fontaine Talavera was born in Santiago, Chile. He received a B.A. in Economics from Universidad Católica de Chile and an M.A. from the University of Chicago.[2][3]

He taught for a decade at his alma mater, Universidad Católica de Chile.[2][3] He also taught at the University of Chile.[3] In the 1990s, he taught as a visiting professor at the University of California, Los Angeles.[2] He also served as Director of Research at the Central Bank of Chile.[2][3] He was also the Executive Chairman of Fontaine and Paúl Consultores.[2][3]
